611 St Clair Ave W Toronto ON M6C 1A3
Donations by e-transfer go to smaachurchoffice@gmail.com - Thank you for your support!
Contact Us
Pastoral Care:
For pastoral care and to contact our clergy, you are welcome to call or email:
Father Paul Feheley: 416-451-8474 paul.feheley@gmail.com
Lay pastor Jenni King Feheley: 416-200-8091 royalstories@gmail.com
Rental Inquiries & Church Office:
For general inquiries and information regarding facilities rentals, baptisms, weddings, & funerals,
please contact the church office at any time:
Email: smaachurchoffice@gmail.com
Phone: 416-653-3593
Address: 611 St. Clair Ave W Toronto ON M6C 1A3
Office hours: Mon - Fri 9:30am - 2:30pm
St Michael's Daycare:
St Michael & All Angels Daycare Office: 416-653-1424 http://www.stmichaelsdaycare.com/
Find us on Social Media
Get in Touch
Contact our office with any questions for clergy or office staff, or call us using the contact information above.