611 St Clair Ave W Toronto ON M6C 1A3
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Concerning the exposure of the Kamloops Residential School mass grave
To read Pastor Jenni's address on Marieval Residential School from Sunday June 27, click HERE
This note was written in response to the exposure of the graves of Indigenous children at the Kamloops residential school in early June 2021. As these horrible discoveries and exposures of the truth of these schools continue to unfold, our statement is extended to include all Indigenous communities and families being impacted ongoing, including but not limited to the Cowessess Nation in Saskatchewan, who are grappling with the excavation of 751 unmarked graves at Marieval Residentail School. Our love, prayers, and deepest condolences are extended to all impacted.
Dear Community:
We at St Michael and All Angels Church want to acknowledge and speak from our hearts to the tragedy of discovering 215 Indigenous childrens' bodies in the ground of an Indian Residential School in Kamloops, BC. This tragedy, horror, and disgusting practice of negating the humanity of Indigenous people and children is sickening and heart breaking.
We as a country and as a people cannot heal until we take responsibility for the harm that we as settlers have committed.
The Anglican church was a participant in running residential schools. We have worked hard to acknowledge, learn of and make reparations borne out of our failure, but there is still work to be done.
We pray for deep healing for the Indigenous community, for the community of Canada as a whole, for all those deeply affected by the news of this exposure, and for the grief and trauma caused by the residential school system.
If you, like so many of us, are struggling with this news and how it impacts your faith and faith practices, or with having conversations about this with children or family, please feel free to reach out to us. Our clergy are available for pastoral care.
If you are Indigenous and in need of further support, there are also the following resources that may be helpful:
Indian Residential School Survivors Society:
24 hour crisis line: 1-866-925-4419
Please contact if you require emotional support or assistance
Anishnabe Health Toronto – 22 Vaughan Rd.
Office: 416-360-0486
Crisis line: 416-891-8606
First Nations, Métis & Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line | Canada-Wide
If you’re experiencing emotional distress and want to talk, call the First Nations, Métis & Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line: 1-855-242-3310. Available 24/7, Canada-wide.
NWAC Elder Support Line | Canada-Wide
Available Monday-Friday 9AM-11AM EST & 1PM-3PM EST
Call 888-664-780
Talk4Healing - Telephone Helpline and On-line Chat Counselling Services
Anishnawbe Health Toronto - Gerrard Street Site - Walk-In Counselling
179 Gerrard St E, Toronto, ON M5A 2E5
More links to Indigenous mental health supports in the Toronto area are available here: https://www.torontocentralhealthline.ca/listservices.aspx?id=10071
More information at: https://firelight.ca/2021/01/28/indigenous-mental-health/