611 St Clair Ave W Toronto ON M6C 1A3
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St Michael's in the News
CBC News clip: Lay Pastor Jenni interviewed on the Beeton Cupboard food bank
Jan. 9, 2022
Beeton Cupboard food bank regular supporters The Fruit Cart
Priest-in-Charge Paul Feheley and Lay Pastor Jenni King Feheley featured in Guest Voice talking about the wonderful interfaith action that helped to replenish the Beeton Cupboard Food Bank
Sept. 21, 2019
Sept. 1, 2019
Toronto food bank 'desperately' calls for donations after summer of low donations, high demand
That Church on St Clair delivered again for Game 5
May 2019
CP24 Breakfast
April 24, 2020
Lay Pastor Jenni Feheley was featured in a live interview talking about the Beeton Cupboard, community food security, and the rising need for support during the covid-19 crisis
CBC News
April 24, 2020
Lay Pastor Jenni Feheley was featured in a piece on the CBC Toronto evening newscast with Dwight Drummond speaking about the Beeton Cupboard, community food security, and the increased need during the coivd-19 crisis. Watch below.
"Faculty of Divinity Members Respond to COVID-19: Jenni King Feheley":
Lay Pastor Jenni was invited to write this article sharing stories of working on the front line in the community during the pandemic.
May 5, 2020